Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Mooring Regulations?

Here are all the Regulations but also  Read the current regulations from on the Harbor Department website. WEBSITE:


1. A transfer fee of 5% of the sales price, paid by buyer, goes to the City of Avalon with purchase

2. An annual fee of $1.09 per foot (of boat length), per month is charged by City of Avalon Harbor Dept for the permit/ land lease fee - Mooring sits on City owned property

3. Permittee/owner is required to pay Annual Property Tax, to the City of Los Angeles, assessed at approximately 1% of the sale price

4. Mooring Owner Maintenace - SEC. 10-2.205 Moorings: It shall be the duty of the Harbor Master to require that moorings be lifted and inspected annually by Avalon Mooring Service, paid for by the permittee,  and replaced in good condition.. Such inspection and repairs, as required, shall be completed prior to May 25 of the year in which they are required and written evidence of an order for repair and installation service shall be filed with the Harbor Master on or before March 1 of each year. Mooring gear shall, at all times, conform to the following specifications:  Replace hawsers, sand lines annually; replace Chains as required (normally once every 4 years for inside the harbor, once every 3 years for outside/Descanso)

5. The rent collected by the Harbor Master does NOT get shared with the owners of the moorings

Maximum boat length allowable on any mooring is, the length of the Mooring plus 11.99", rare exceptions are made at the discretion of the Avalon Harbor Master
Replacing weights is the responsibility of the Mooring Owner, done by Avalon Mooring Service; this service is infrequent and is generally not part of the prorations or consideration during a sale  
1. Boats up to forty feet, zero inches (40) in length, as specified herein, shall have not less than two thousand five hundred (2,500) pounds mooring weight on the bow, and not less than two thousand five hundred (2,500) pounds on the stern, connected to the surface with not less than three-quarters (3/4) inch chain.

2. Boats measuring between forty feet one inch (40) and fifty feet, eleven inches  in length, as specified herein, shall have not less than five thousand (5,000) pounds mooring weight on the bow, and not less than five thousand (5,000) pounds on the stern, connected to the surface with not less than three-quarters (3/4) inch chain.

3. Boats fifty-one feet, zero inches (51) in length, as specified herein, and over shall have not less than five thousand (5,000) pounds mooring weight on the bow, and not less than five thousand (5,000) pounds on the stern, connected to the surface with not less than (1.25)  inch chain.

4. The Harbor Master, at his discretion, may require additional weight and chain for boats of excessive weight.

Avalon Harbor Department?

Telephone: (310) 510-0535 
EMAIL  [email protected] 
Avalon Harbor Department: 24 hour service~VHF Channels 12 & 16;

Shore Boat Service?

Shore Boats: VHF Channel 9; there is a charge per person each way

Mooring Maps

See MY  Moorings For Sale Map or this Harbor Map (PDF)

How to Pick Up A Mooring

Here are my Picking Up Mooring and General Tips 
There are two YOUTUBE videos  from Newport Coast 

Emergency Help on the Island. 

Avalon Harbor Department: 24 hour service~VHF Channels 12 & 16; or CALL: 310-510-0535
Two Harbors: Catalina Mooring Service,  VHF Channel 9; 310-510-4253
LA County Sheriff’s Dept., Avalon: 310-510-0174
LA County Sheriff’s Dept., Two Harbors: 310-510-0872
US Coast Guard: VHF Channel 16; 310-521-3600 or Emergency, 310-521-3815
LA County Lifeguard/Paramedic Rescue Boat: VHF Channel 16; 310-510-0586 or Dial 911.

Important Avalon Services

Marine Fuel Dock, Avalon: Gas and diesel; 310-510-0046
Marine Fuel Dock, Two Harbors: Gas, diesel & water; 310-510-4234
Marine Mechanic: VHF Channel 16 in Avalon; VHF Channel 9 outside of Avalon
Avalon Pump Out Float: Head pump free of charge, fresh water available (machine takes quarters); located near the Casino Building
Pump-A-Head Mobil Service: Fee for service, VHF Channel 68; 310-292-1226
Vessel Assist/TowBoatU.S.: VHF Channel 16; 310-510-1675 or 800-391-4869
Propane: Tank exchange available at Pebbly Beach Building Supply in Avalon, Chet's Hardware in Avalon, and on shore at Two Harbors. Small 16oz. propane cylinders available for purchase at Chet's Hardware and Vons in Avalon and the Two Harbors general Store.

Dinghy Docks: Available throughout Avalon Harbor for dinghies 14 feet or smaller