Bob Locke

Please feel free to call me with your questions. There is more to buying and/or selling a mooring than you would think (Lots of rules). I have a great deal of knowledge from 14+ years of experience selling moorings in Avalon. I love Avalon and have been going there regularly over the past 52 years!


This is my 55ft custom sailboat which I’ve been sailing to “The Island” for the past 14 years, she was proceeded by a Cal 48, Catalina 38, Peterson 42, C&C41 and a 5.5 meter. All of these boats I singlehanded sailing, docking and putting the boats on the moorings solo!

Contact Bob Locke

Call me 310 544 4667 Office 7am TO 7pm
                310 795 2311 Cell
I always have more moorings to present to you.  Tell me what size you are looking for! 
My email is address [email protected]

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Your mooring message has been sent successfully, I hope to respond within 24 hours. You can also contact us through social media, links can be found below! Call Me Bob Locke 310795 2311 I always have more moorings to present you.

I connect people with moorings in Avalon

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